Here's What a Robust I&I Remediation Program Looks Like

Bundling tasks and methodical approaches helps a southern city reap the benefits of I&I reduction.

Here's What a Robust I&I Remediation Program Looks Like

The Mobile Area Water and Sewer System team includes, from left, Donald Seltzer, John Connelly, Robert Johnson, Matt Welch (public service supervisor I), Charles Benning, Calressia Clark (director of field operations and logistics), Jordan Brown, Joseph Tuite (public service supervisor II), Dominick Pettway, Rico Thomas, and Jason Saxon.

Inflow and infiltration itself is anything but consistent and methodical, but if you’re going to mitigate it successfully, those are some of the most important qualities your utility can possess.

By incorporating a blend of flow monitoring, a highly systematic approach, robust investigation activities and consistent follow-through to client feedback, the Mobile (Alabama) Area Water and Sewer System has successfully reduced I&I while creating a comprehensive plan to improve...

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