Measuring Manholes in a Glance

Inspection system provides 3-D views and complete inspection data in a simple package
Measuring Manholes in a Glance
The SPiDER’s four stereoscopic cameras generate point clouds. After the inspection is completed, the SPiDER automatically post-processes the inspection data and provides a 3-D video, 3-D image and the 3-D point cloud that can be exported to CAD or transferred to a measurable mesh.

No utility is immune from manhole problems. From I&I and elevation to reconstruction and rehabilitation issues, you’re all dealing with them. And with several manholes per mile of pipe, that adds up to a whole lot of potential problems.

Inspection technology has evolved significantly over the past decade, and CUES is pushing the curve further with its new SPiDER manhole inspection system. MSW recently spoke with Pierre Mikhail, director of CUES’ Manhole Inspection...

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