B.C. Utility Embarks on Persuasive Private-Side I&I Mitigation Program

Increasing public awareness of I&I is top of mind for Victoria, British Columbia

B.C. Utility Embarks on Persuasive Private-Side I&I Mitigation Program

Between 40-60% of Victoria’s I&I comes from infrastructure on the private side, which prompted the city to pioneer a rebate program encouraging homeowners to fix lateral issues.

Helping citizens help the environment — that’s what the city of Victoria, British Columbia, has in mind as it looks toward a new incentivized program for private-side inflow and infiltration mitigation.

The city has a longstanding asset renewal program to address sewer issues on the public side, including I&I, and in recent years has implemented additional grant-funded projects. But increasing public awareness about I&I and assisting residents with lateral repairs will mark...

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